Daena E. Title is a well-known American actress and a well-known celebrity spouse. Daena E. Title is the spouse of Jason Alexander, a famous American actor, singer, comedian, director, and producer.


Daena E. Title enjoys her birthdate on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. The Title got birthed in 1957 in New York City, New York. She belongs to the white race and is of American nationality. The Title hasn’t revealed anything about her religious beliefs. Her sun sign is Aquarius.

The Title is very private about her life and has never revealed anything about her parents or what they did for a career. On the other hand, Title hasn’t said anything about her siblings. Her cousin, Stacy Title, is a director and the wife of Jonathan Penner, a well-known American actor.

Daena E. Title
Image Source; Global Stardom


Full NameDaena E. Title
Date of BirthFebraury 14, 1957
Birth PlaceNew York City, New York, USA
Age64 years (2021)
Father's NameN/A
Mother's NameN/A
Body MeasurementN/A
Height5 feet and 5 inches
Hair ColorGrey
Eyes ColorBlue
Relationship StatusMarried
Spouse(s)/Partner(s)Jason Alexander
Net Worthapprox. $500k


There is no information on Daena E. Title’s educational history, including her academic achievements and the institutions she studied in. Given Title’s age, she may have finished university except if she chose to drop out and concentrate on her work.

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Body stats

Daena E. Title measures 5’9″ tall, 4 inches taller than her husband, who stands at 5 feet 5 inches. Daena, on the other hand, has not revealed any of her bodily measurements, such as her weight, chest size, hips size, waist size, shoe size, or dress size. Due to her advanced age, Daena has a pale complexion and grey-colored hair. Likewise, Title has enticing blue-colored eyes that compliment her appearance.


Daena E. Title is a well-known American actress and a well-known celebrity wife. Jason Alexander is a famous actor, singer, comedian, director, and producer. Alexander has won several awards, including the Screen Actors Guild Awards in 1994, the CMT Music Awards in 2004, and the CMT Music Awards in 2008.

Daena E. Title
Image Source: Ghana News

She also starred as Cop #2 in the 1995 film “For Better or Worse,” Juror in “Seinfeld,” Dancer in Block Party in the 1999 film “Just Looking,” and in “Saturday Night Seder,” “the best worst thing that ever could have occurred” in 2016. In addition to being an actress and celebrity spouse, Title is an animal rights activist who has campaigned for the “Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,” a non-profit animal welfare organization. Autism Speaks AIDS has also received support from the title.

Net worth

Daena E. Title’s cinematic career was brief. She has, nonetheless, participated in a variety of income-generating pursuits. Her net worth is believed to be approximately 500,000 thousand dollars.

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Daena E. Title is wedded to Jason Alexander, an American actor, singer, comedian, director, and producer. On May 31, 1981, Title and Alexander united. Gabriel Alexander and Noah Alexander are the two kids born to these two spouses. Title and Jason are happily married, and there are no rumors about their breakup.

Daena E. Title
Image Source: Broadway World

Social media presence

Daena E. Title is a private individual who does not use social media. The Title likes to live a low-key existence, avoiding public attention.

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