Who Is Jodi Arias?

Anger. Jealousy. Possession. Obsession. Anxiety. Insecurity. These words relate to the bizarre states of mind. All the conditions are psychologically disturbed state. According to psychological criticism, the unfulfilled desires and experiences from childhood are stored in the unconscious state of mind. There is a defense mechanism in the human brain that stops the desires the overcome the conscious state of mind. When the defenses fail and it starts to reoccur in the conscious state of mind the person starts to behave socially unapproved way.  

Likewise, there is a term called castration anxiety; the fear of not getting what others have. This is quite familiar in females than in males. And another term called penis envy; the fear of losing what you have. This is quite familiar to male. These psychological states of mind are normally present in humans. But it’s excessive can hamper the life of people of mind. And this can become the driving factor of a crime.

Quick Info
Full NameJodi Ann Arias
Date of BirthJuly 9, 1980
Birth placeSalinas, California, U.S
Parent(s)William Angelo (Mother)
Sandy S. Arias (Father)
Conviction(s)First-degree murder
VictimsTravis Victor Alexander

Jodi Arias seems to have suffered from the same state of mind. She was having a penis envy. Jodi seems to develop the feeling of fear of abandonment from her boyfriend Travis Alexander at the age of 30. And as a result, she started being more insecure and lead her to commit a crime. The Arizona Court of Appeals condemned Jodi of first-degree murder of her boyfriend Travis Alexander on July 9,  2008. It was found that his body was shot on the head and stabbed 27 times.

Travis was a powerful motivational speaker and salesman of Prepaid Legal Services. In one of the seminars, someone introduced Jodi to him in September 2006. Soon after the meeting, they started getting close. They were in a long-distance relationship. Travis was from Mesa, Arizona whereas Jodi was from California. Likewise, Travis was a religious guy and a Mormon but Jodi was not. Later, she became a Mormon in 2006. But, according to Travis’s family and friends, she started showing a high level of insecurity. She wanted Travis just before her.

Jodi Arias

Early life/ Family

William Angelo gave birth to Jodi Arias in Salinas, California on July 9, 1980. She grew up with two younger brothers, one younger sister and one older half-sister. Her father’s name was Sandy S. Arias.

Jodi Arias was not a happy child. She was facing child abuse since the age of 7. Her parents were very violent and aggressive towards her. They used to physically harm her with belts and wooden spoons. These kinds of incidents hamper the psychology of a child and can result in a dangerous activity in adulthood. It may be the cause of the psychological state of Jodi.

Jodi was pursuing her school in “Yreka Union High School” but he quit in grade 11. But she acquired the “General Educational Development Test” (GED) later. 

She had a flair for photography at the age of ten. And the interest led her to pursue photography as a profession. She started working as a part-time professional photographer. 

Jodi also worked as a server at restaurants in Ventana Inn and in Carmel. She worked at the Californian restaurants during the fall of 2001. During the period, she started to date the food and beverage manager Darryl Brewer in 2003.

The couple started a live-in relationship. They bought a house on the mortgage in palm Dessert of California. They agreed to pay $2800 as a mortgage every month.

Jodi Arias and Travis


Jodi Arias started to work for “Pre-Paid Legal Services” (LegalShield) in February 2006. She was still serving in the restaurant. After joining LegalShield, the relation between Darryl started to change. And the couple separated in December 2006 but remained friends. 

Jodi met Travis, who was also part of the company, at a conference of the company in Las Vegas, Nevada in September 2006. As per Jodi, they were in an intimate relationship within a week of their meeting. They were connected with each other through emails and calls when apart.

As Jodi Arias was not a Mormon, she decided for baptism. In the “Church of the Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints”, she got her baptism at a Mormon Church, Southern California, on November 26, 2006. But her insecurity started increasing at a rapid speed.

The couple separated in June 2007. But Jodi migrated to Mesa. As per Jodi, they were in intimate relationships despite the breakup. Travis was in relation to a girl called Mimi. Jodi had threatened her through calls and emails. But still, Travis and Jodi were close to each other like before. They had decided to go to travel in June 2008.

Jodi Arias was found in the house of her grandparents in Yreka, California in  April 2008.

Jodi Arias


Travis did not show up for significant meetings and trips to Mexico with the phone unreachable. Hence, their friends got worried and visited his home in Mesa on June 9, 2008. They found his dead body in a shower. After the examination, they found he was dead 5 days ago on June 4, 2008. 

Travis body had a headshot, a cut in the neck from ear to ear, and 27-29 wound stabs in the body. Police found many shreds of evidence and a camera in the washing machine which consisted of the naked photos of Travis and Jodi of the same day. After the talk with family and friends, Jodi became the prime suspect. 

Moreover, Jodi kept changing her words to prove her innocence. Police found the bloody palm print which matched with the DNA of Travis and Jodi. 

The court condemned Jodi of the first-degree murder of Travis on July 9, 2008. Police arrested her on July 15. She confessed her crime only after 2 years of arrested date, as a defense for domestic violence. 

With lots of court procedures for years, the jury sentenced life imprisonment in state prison with no possibility of parole on April 13, 2015. Jodi is currently in Arizona State Prison Complex-Perryville. She is placed as a high-risk 5 prisoner under maximum security.

